5 MUST Have 3D Printed Tools!

5 MUST Have 3D Printed Tools!

Sale for Bambu Lab X1 Carbon, A1 Combo and Bambu Labs Filament!: https://tinyurl.com/xmas-bambu
#bambulab #bambulabX1C #makerworld

MakerWorld models from video:

Spiral Rotating Featherboard: https://makerworld.com/en/models/622787 (looks like it’s been removed)
Micro Screwdriver Handle for Ants and tight spaces: https://makerworld.com/en/models/759371
Wall Mounted Spray Paint Can Holder: https://makerworld.com/en/models/30320
Panel Carrier for drywall, sheetrock, plywood, OSB: https://makerworld.com/en/models/754543
Spray Can Handle: https://makerworld.com/en/models/756773
Robert Downey Jr Doctor Doom Reveal Mask: https://makerworld.com/en/models/572760

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/peterbrownwastaken
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Twitter: https://twitter.com/kludge1977

music by Jason Shaw@ audionautix.com


  1. Only nine day after you posted this video and the spiral featherboard model has been removed from MakerWorld. 😞

  2. Wow great place to store flammable material. Right next to the high-voltage electrical box. Excellent. Make sure to have surveillance camera recording every moment of it. That will make great content in the future.

  3. Interesting on the featherboard, removed due to patent infringement. I respect the time and effort a person or company put into designing a product and obtaining a patent or having a copyright. It would be disrespectful to the patent holder to find another source for the file and put a link here. There are plenty of open source featherboard designs available for 3D printing.

  4. excellent, I have a CNC machine since 2008 and a co2 laser a few years after that, I haven’t bit the bullet on a 3d printer but I’m looking at the bamboo labs lineup. the video provides compelling info for me to get one myself. Thanks. Wonder if you can make a ratcheting screw driver that small, that would be something people would need that need a screw driver that small. great work keep it up.

  5. Peter any chance you could share the feather board file with me, they took it off and cant find another like it. Thanks for the great videos.

  6. Well I have been thinking about getting an A1 combo with the AMS for a few months now but spending the $900 (Australian) in one go for a ‘toy’ was always a bit much to go ahead 😢. But it’s not a toy you say? Rather a handy dandy essential tool and totally not a waste of money. Plus it is $200 off right now…

    Hmmmm 🤨

  7. I felt the same way about 3d printing. I just recently purchased one and didn’t realize how obsessed I would be with it!

  8. I say IF you have the space and think you would enjoy a 3D printer, go for it. I unfortunately have ZERO space for anything else now in my shop… But my two adult sons both have such abilities. So if I need something printed, I ask them to do it…

  9. I thought the exact same thing. It doesn’t help that whenever you try to look anything up, all you find is paid reviews and balding millennial weirdos making iron man masks and stormtrooper helmets.

  10. My spray paint rack is finally done! Big thanks for sharing this. I made a few tweaks to the design and cranked out 60 of these with my T1 Pro and A1 working together. Now all my cans have a safe home—no more worrying about them getting knocked over!

  11. First time viewer: nice hair. Your shop acoustics suck. Plz get a personal microphone and climb out of that resonating sound barrel for both our benefits.

  12. ”One is standard and one is metric” 😂 Metric IS the world standard. Stop using body parts for measuring and get with it, USA.

  13. I put all my aerosols into a metal cabinet at my workshop according the fire code in my city. I have no laws mandating where I put my spray cans in my home garage but I like the idea of fire safety.
    It is odd that you are happy to have spray cans vulnerable.

  14. As an engineer I’ll say: looks like you have seen the light.
    A large portion of the 3d printing community just makes phallic objects, yes, but 3d prints — when designed properly — are legitimate usable parts which often can’t be replicated with traditional workmanship, at least not easily in many cases.

    It is fairly recent that a consumer level printer existed that didn’t need a printing nerd to get it working properly.

  15. 2:51 OMG! I need one of those for when I am working on my haunted house security cameras. This is the only thing I would have a use for from a 3D PRINTER.

  16. Yet another bambu shill on the YouTube…
    Yes, 3D printers are tools and not toys. It does not have to be a chinese one.
    By the way chinese communist lovers, what has happened on May 4th in front of Tiananmen?

  17. Great finds! Shame about the hedgehog featherboard, looks like it’s gone from both MakerWorld and Printables. I’m thinking of remixing that little screwdriver with a magnet to help retain the bit. I normally think 3d printed screwdrivers are pretty goofy, but I’ve never seen one that low profile before.

  18. So you are telling me all I have to do is buy a 1300 dollar 3d printer, and I can make my own 15 dollar parts for 10 bucks? Where do I sign up!!!

  19. That featherboard looks a lot like one commercial available called the hedgehog. Imagine it was why it was taken down. Too bad because I really like it. Anyone happen to print it and still have the file they be willing to share?

  20. I cant understand how you printed the Panel Carrier without supports? It doesnt make any sense. EDIT: Nevermind, I had to pause at the right second to see it. The underside looks horrible, but I guess it doesnt matter for a tool.

  21. All o et the world is millions fixer,hobbyist and professionals who also think 3d printers are for chldren or professional who think "i dont have time to learn programming" But today 3d printing is for mass,every one can learn about a day,how it works,and it is FUN. Please do more this kind of videos,where u shw ho2 easy is to have OWN MINI Factory, online is billions files to print,and there is not thiskind commynity who help you on the way.

  22. Hello,
    it seems that the spiral rotating featherboard is no longer available. Does anyone has the stl’s or 3mf- file?

  23. Tip for the can holders – you can fill the bed with them, and manually move them in the slicer so they touch or overlap by just a hair along the straight sides. Then you’ll have a single piece that you can hang with 3 or 4 screws total. Less modular, but if you know you have a certain area of vertical space you want to fill with them, you can save a bunch of time and screws (and holes in whatever you’re screwing them to, should you remove them from that space later). No CAD required. Use the move tool in the toolbar, which gives you handles to move them in 1 direction at a time. Place one, select it, ctrl-c ctrl-v, move the copy in one axis only, and it will be perfectly lined up with the original in the other axis. Start in one corner, and add them 1 at a time along one side where the flats line up. Look at how far you moved it, then for the rest just copy paste the last one and move it exactly that far. Then go back to the original and stack them along the other side – it will take some time to place the first one and get the offset right so it looks good, then you can reuse those movement numbers as you make the back and forth column. Then repeat the technique from the first row to fill out the rest of the rows. ‘Save project as’ and save a 3MF file of the plate with the bed filled and touching each other, so you can print that, or delete a few to make a smaller raft of them (or a single row, or whatever) with the exact same spacing.

  24. Overall, great video and I concur, TOOL NOT TOY! Good picks for useful ‘tools’ within the shop, although some of the items should be called fixtures as they don’t work, but hold tools or items. But semantics of the English language. One thing I think could have been explored a little more for the ‘common’ folk, is the cost involved. You mentioned that these tools cost only a couple ‘dollars of filament’ to make overnight, but you did not figure in the cost of the 3D printer, which you received for free to demo to us. This $1,200 machine (as spec’d with AMS), makes these five $1.50 tools (or fixtures) turn into $200 parts, or it would take you printing a lifetime’s supply of filament (and the maintenance expenses of printhead changes, servos, gears, etc.) to make the average workshop afford a 3D printer to offset the cost of purchasing these items from the hardware store. My last statement is critical – to offset buying from the hardware store. Some items cannot be bought from the hardware store and so, figuring in the ability to find on eBay, Etsy, etc., and purchase with shipping, the cost per item comes down, but still with filament at $14-20 per kilo, it would take a couple years of normal shop use to offset the cost of a Bambu Labs X1 Carbon printer. Yes, this is a great and useful tool, but not just for making things that I get at the local hardware store or novelty organizational items. It can do real work that can make money for a shop and provide safety and workflow management improvements. It is important to tell the whole story, not just what Bambu Labs wants you to tell us.

  25. I thought the micro screwdriver handle thingy was a good idea. You could add 4 holes round the side to put a small screwdriver in to give it leverage if the screw or nut was really tight. Just a thought. Michael.

  26. Thanks. Cant wait for mine to arrive… any way you can perhaps, by accident perhaps, send the featherboard file… its such a cool design and as you know its been removed!

  27. @6:32 – it’s not just about cost – you’re being environmentally friendly too! No shipping, etc and no other packaging waste! At first I was put off by long print times… but as you said, it’s actually exciting to start it before i go to bed and wake up with my print! Faster than amazon! @7:32 – you can actually daisy chain the AMS unit and have up to 16 colors!! Lastly, I agree – Bambu labs makes the most entry friendly printers to get started. Very reliable and easy to use. From the cost perspective, you can’t beat the P1S… but when you’re ready to upgrade or want the best, the X1 is awesome!

  28. not really one of the fastest, but ones of the easiest to use and more reliable printers thats commercially available

  29. Nice video, but I don’t think any of those warrant buying a 3d printer there are better reasons. I own all of those tools at one 10% of the money compared to buying a 3d printer and didn’t have to sit through printing and assembling them or deal with misprints. Don’t get me wrong, I have the same printer, but for vastly different reasons – printing stuff I can’t buy. Plus the ones I buy tend to be more durable than a 3d print, tend to, a 3d print can be acceptable, but they’re not quite up to the same standards as a properly manufactured tool, IMHO. Try some cad software and made you own inventions!

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