ISOTunes PRO 2.0 Bluetooth Noise Isolating Earbuds – Review

ISOTunes PRO 2.0 Bluetooth Noise Isolating Earbuds – Review

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ISOtunes bluetooth Pro 2.0 noise isolating earbuds


ISOtunes Pro 2.0 Earbuds

I recently tried out the new ISOtunes bluetooth noise isolating earbuds Pro 2.0 model.
To be honest I never liked the idea of wearing headphones with music because I felt it could impact site safety. What changed my mind was reading that the ISOtunes bluetooth Pro 2.0 noise isolating earbud restricts the music noise to 85 dBA. While some may scoff at this because it restrict them from CRANKING the tunes – its smart. The Occupational Safety and Health Agency (OSHA) has determined safe noise levels and has made recommendations that specific ear protection devices be worn within sound levels of 85dB.
I like this model because it has a wire connecting both earbud pieces which I KNOW will help me from losing them. Plus, the ear hook wraps over and around your ears to provide a comfortable, secure fit all day for any ear.

The individual earbuds, while cool looking and wire free will most likely get lost or find their way in my pocket and eventually meet their fate in the washing machine.

Jobsites Are Noisy

For many years I didn’t take proper care of my hearing on the job site. Hearing loss impairs quality of life and increases the risk of injury. Every year, thousands of construction workers suffer hearing loss from excessive noise exposure on the job. According to the CDC: 1 in 8 U.S. Workers Has Some Hearing Loss. The construction industry comes in a second in terms of most hearing-impaired workers.

ISOtunes Pro 2.0 Earbuds

The ISOtunes Pro 2.0 earbuds double as hearing protection for the job site by offering excellent noise isolation. They are rated for noise reduction of 27 dBA. Their effectiveness at noise reduction is achieves through the use heat-activated, memory foam ear tips that expand to help block out noise.

Probably the tool that I use the most and hurts my ears the most is the high pitched whine of the multi-tool. When wearing the earbuds thenoise is definitely reduced significantly.

ISOtunes Pro 2.0 Bluetooth Connectivity

The ISOtunes Pro 2.0 earbuds offer a Bluetooth connection for wireless audio streaming.

ISOtunes says that the Pro 2.0 will play music and take calls 30+ feet from your device with Bluetooth 5.0 technology. We tested this and found it to be true as long as you don’t put too many rooms or obstacles in the way.

ISOtunes Pro 2.0 Runtime

The 2.0 version of these earbuds now enjoy 16+ hours of battery life of music and talk time. I made the mistake of leaving the earbuds on, and putting them in my tool bag at the end of the day. The next day, and several days after they’re still going strong. It seems that these headphones do not use a lot of battery life when in standby mode.

Using the ISOtunes Pro 2.0

What impressed me the most was the sound quality of the earbud speakers. It sounds great – and is clear. Also my theory of getting the wire connected model, and not losing them was true. When not using them I would pop them out of my ears and tuck the buds into my shirt crew neck. I also became pretty good at putting them away at the end of the day in its pouch in my tool bags.

If I could improve one thing to these earbuds it would add on the magnets that the IsoTunes MAX, model has. I don’t always want to wear earbuds, but I want them nearby for quick access. Since this model does not have a magnet, my solution was to tuck the earbuds and wire in my shirt crewneck. While this system works most of the time there were a few occasions where I felt the earbuds slip off and fall. Being able to attach both earbuds together with a magnet basically creates a necklace that won’t hall off.

Taking phone calls

The earbuds will also take phone calls and once I got used to pressing the correct buttons it worked great. The control button section has a noise-suppressing microphone with echo cancellation technology helps block steady-state noise. [think engines, mowers, vacuums] The earbuds help isolate external noise on your ears, and the noise cancellation microphone helps folks hear you better.

As a small business owner, I’m constantly talking to subs, suppliers, and clients. Not having to dig under my tool belt for my phone is huge. Talking on the phone with the earbuds work reasonably well in loud environments.


ISOtunes PRO 2.0 is rated IP67 which means that it isdesigned as dust-tight, no ingress of dust allowed. Additionally, it offers protection against the effects of immersion in water between 1 cm and 1 meter for 30-minutes.

Overall Impression
For me, I prefer working smarter. That means protecting my hearing. The ISOtunes IT-00 are high-quality Bluetooth earbuds and offer great hearing protection and sound quality.


  1. I wasn’t a fan of them. Sure, they’re nice, but the cheap earbuds I have provided the same amount of noise reduction. The thing I don’t like is because it wraps around your ear, it’s not as easy to take on and off. To me, I hate wearing earbuds while talking to someone or while eating. Basically, I like to take them in and out often.

    Also, noise cancellation doesn’t really do much for whoever calls you… I won’t buy them again, way too expensive.

  2. I get wax buildup when using earbuds. I bought the 3M Worktunes which are Bluetooth earmuffs.

    I got to say working all day listening to audiobooks or to music makes a huge difference to the noise of a sander and dust collector

    The only thing is that when a call comes in you need to remember about all that noise and that you are wearing them

  3. I have a pair of raycon 50 earbuds. I usually use one at a time for phone calls, and then put a regular ear plug in the other ear when I am needing hearing protection, it makes it a little easier to hear conversation with someone. Don’t listen to music much when I work.

  4. Yo compré unos pensando que eran buenos, el primero que llegó cargo 1 vez y luego ya no cargo, después me llegó otro en garantía pero con quien hablaba no me entendían nada como que el micrófono tenía algún problema cuando hay ruido, me mandaron el tercer juego y la verdad estoy buscando vendérselos por lo que no he probado porque me da miedo que salgan mal, así que quiero recuperar algo del dinero, si alguien le interesan los vendo en 1800 pesos, 90usd

  5. I have owned these earbuds for at least 2 years, they are awesome. I live in Florida, so ear muffs are just not an option (the cups fill with sweat) I have two pair, one in my shop, the other at home. The home ones get used weekends when mowing, pressure washing, etc. Pro Tip: they are the BEST on an airplane! Block out babies, annoying conversations, and listen to your music, movies, whatever. Unlike headsets, these store in a pocket sized hard case, and the battery lasts way longer than the 10 hours that IsoTunes claims. I can easily get 15-20 hours of listening time.

  6. Love my Isotunes…looking to get the 2.0 version to see how much of a difference it makes…I get complaints that people can hear what I am doing and it is quite loud to them on the other end.

  7. I am so glad I saw this video. I have just begun mowing our large yard and have been so bored with ear plugs! Thank you for this informative video! I have been on the fence as to what to do about it and your video helped my choice. Thanks!!

  8. No possibile to hear music during using anything making noise. Very expensive ear protection, very weak to music. Talking by phone also only in quiet place.

  9. Ive had these for about 2 weeks now and honestly … theyre just okay.

    Volume is too low
    The microfone is absolutely TERRIBLE
    Noise canceling could be better (im currently looking for better foam tips)
    Battery life is GREAT

  10. Can we take moment and appreciate the pun of that portapotty “The Throne Depot” out here on the west coast we don’t have that one. LOL

  11. I have the 2.0 Pro’s and the wireless. Me personally didn’t think I was going to like the wireless but they are my go to know.

  12. What?… I can’t her Rob… what’d he say?…. damn I should had protected my hearing more when I was young. Some tell him he should review hearing protection… could be beneficial

  13. Now that Google and Apple have both put contact tracing on their phones that rely on bluetooth, I can see less people even turning BT on. I have a pair of $400 Bose headphones and i don’t want to use them much anymore for this reason. Some of us still value privacy, even though you have to fight for it these days.

  14. Apparently, I have the iso tunes Pro 1.0 and I have been more disappointed then satisfied with these buds. I find the blue tooth range terrible, I even have troubles with the sound cutting out when I have the phone in my pants pockett opposite the power button. People who call me usually have a hard time hearing me with or without background noise. It could be my Note 8, but I have other cheap wireless buds with way better Bluetooth range. Im going to run them with a new iPhone and see if it improves but I’m not sure they will. Either way keep up the great reviews!

  15. I always enjoy your videos. As a small business owner myself of heating and cooling company. Your content is very relevant. Thank you

  16. I just got a pair of these about a month ago i love them battery life is unbelievable!!! I love them they are around my neck everyday and i find myself using them to protect my hearing when i would never take the time to put plugs in.

  17. Went out and upgraded to the 2.0 pro today, after, my original iso tunes pro’s which I’ve had for 2 years, there was nothing wrong with them, then they decided to melt while charging the other night even tho I’ve used that exact cable and 5amp charging cube every time since I got them to charge them, so regardless, I needed a new pair and I got a deal on them at my local woodworking store, back in the game again, what was said is true I considered the wireless ones but I would totally lose them, and I also tuck the buds in my collar when they aren’t in my ears, but they usually are because I use these every single day almost all day listening to the radio programs I like while I am working, the bigger square case is also a nice upgrade than the previous small circle one as well everything fits much easier and less smooshed which I really didn’t like about the last case but I wanted my investment protected, if I get 2 solid years out of these totally worth it and I’ll upgrade to the next version when these die

  18. I have the older model. They were awesome but not dog proof. I did buy them again though. Defiantly worth the $70.

  19. Very informative — Good job putting safety before anything else. Thanks for the review. Might have to customize them with your own magnets!

  20. I have two pairs of these. Always have a pair in the truck charging ready to go so when one pair dies I swap them out and have constant entertainment and hearing protection. Absolute must have.

  21. Exactly what I was looking for! I will be operating a tractor, chainsaw, and other small engines and power tools. Music loudness and quality come second, hearing first.

  22. i have purhcased a set of these alomst 12 months ago, and aside from hearing the phone ring through them, people cannot hear me when i’m talking, they say it sounds like im underwater, wether there is noise around or not.
    with the hefty little price tag on them i am reluctant to buy another pair if it’s the same story.
    is it possible i just got a dodgy pair? i would really like them to work properly instead of taking them off, cancelling bluetooth and finishing phone call on the headset instead. any advice or experience is much appreciated.

  23. I learned about these headphones from Anna of all trades. Good headphone 🎧. Definitely a Christmas 🎄 present.

  24. I purchased the galaxy buds plus. I like them for the jobsite because you can control the ambient sound thru the earbuds. So I’m not completely cut off from hearing everything around me on the jobsite. I’m gonna look into the ones in this video as well

  25. Who the f*** wants ear protection ear buds… to then put them up to potentially damaging volume?!! Besides, you could just by the sets without the limiters -_-
    like… I can’t facepalm hard enough here

  26. Been playing bass in loud bands and working on construction sites for35+years. I dont know how I can still hear😱
    I still almost never remember hearing protection unless something is gonna be real bad.
    Old school muffs for me. Hate ear buds.
    Put that festool impact to the test when u can. If you haven’t already.

    Thumbs up for the video regardless

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