The Best Bluetooth Speakers in 2024 (by Category)
PRODUCT LINKS ⬇️ (affiliate)
Sony ULT Tower 10 👉 https://mikeobrienmedia.com/SonyULT10
JBL Clip 5 👉 https://mikeobrienmedia.com/JBLClip5
Samsung Music Frame 👉 https://mikeobrienmedia.com/MusicFrame
Sony Linkbuds Speaker 👉 https://mikeobrienmedia.com/linkbudsspeaker
Bose Soundlink Flex 2 👉 https://mikeobrienmedia.com/BoseSoundlinkFlex
Marshall Middleton 👉 https://mikeobrienmedia.com/Middleton
Soundcore Boom 2 👉 https://mikeobrienmedia.com/Boom2
Mifa WIldcamping 👉 https://mikeobrienmedia.com/LanternSpeaker
Beats Pill 👉 https://mikeobrienmedia.com/BeatsPill
Bose Soundlink Home 👉 (link coming soon)
in this video, I want to share my picks for the best bluetooth speakers by category with all different sizes and prices and crazy features. Some of these are very popular speakers but I think some might surprise you with brands you probably haven’t heard of.
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Please comment below with any questions you might have. Thank you all for watching! I appreciate you!
Disclaimer: This video is purely based on my experiences, research, and opinions. You and only you are responsible for your actions. I made this channel to advise viewers and I truly hope to help you all out. I love making these videos and connecting with my viewers!
One or more of the products shown in this video may have been sent to me at no cost. This does not influence my opinions; I always cover both pros and cons.
This channel is monetized via YouTube ads as well as some affiliate links. If a purchase is made after clicking the link, I will receive a small commission at no extra charge to the buyer. Thank you all for watching!
0:00 I tested a lot of speakers
0:30 Best Jumbo Party Speaker
2:05 Best Mini Speaker
3:22 Most Versatile Speaker
5:28 Best Sounding Bluetooth Speaker
6:43 Best For Adventures
7:45 Best Looking Bluetooth Speaker
8:48 Best Portable Home Speaker
10:00 Easiest To Blend Into Your Home Aesthetic
11:53 Best Value Boombox
13:15 Best in Most Situations
Make video in hindi language also like earbuds video
I bought the soundcore boom 2 plus for 150 bucks really a no brainer, tweaked the EQ and the sound is massive!
Sonos Roam 2 you forgot
Can I use Pandora on the Samsung Music Frame?
What do you think of LG XG8T XBOOM GO or the LG PL7. I have the pl 7 and love it. Looking for a new speaker. Are they not as good anymore? Also not a fan of huge bass. Thanks for the help.
I hate how any bose product sounds. Way overpriced and I don’t know why it has such a good rep. Their sound is always muffled and flat to me.
Shame with the beats are they’ve been proven to add weights to make it feel more expensive and well built than it is.
No Doss soundbox xl …
Missed opportunity to make it a digital photo frame (I was kind of baffled it was not)
Which one do you think is sounds better Soundcore X600 or Soundcore Boom 2 ?
What about the soundlink Max from bose?
Marshall middleton. Has the best clear surround sound👍
I wish you did a short audio demonstration for the speakers, otherwise great video!
I have the marshall middleton and bose soundlink flex very good sound from both
I hated the Boom 2 when I first copped it. After 2 weeks I decided to fiddle with the eq. After an hour of fiddling (which was kinda tedious because I have mad adhd lol) I’ve come to see the light with the Boom 2. This speaker sounds dope. It’s my go to speaker when I want volume outdoors. It’s not a chore to carry around because it’s light and compact. Its get super loud for its size, and the bass is impressive. I was able to get the Boom 2 for $99 but even if you’d paid retail (which you shouldn’t) it’s still a great value. My only small quibble with the speaker is it didn’t come with a shoulder strap
Btw, I also co-sign on the Bose Soundlink Flex
PRODUCT LINKS ⬇ (affiliate)
Sony ULT Tower 10 👉 https://mikeobrienmedia.com/SonyULT10
JBL Clip 5 👉 https://mikeobrienmedia.com/JBLClip5
Samsung Music Frame 👉 https://mikeobrienmedia.com/MusicFrame
Sony Linkbuds Speaker 👉 https://mikeobrienmedia.com/linkbudsspeaker
Bose Soundlink Flex 2 👉 https://mikeobrienmedia.com/BoseSoundlinkFlex
Marshall Middleton 👉 https://mikeobrienmedia.com/Middleton
Soundcore Boom 2 👉 https://mikeobrienmedia.com/Boom2
Mifa WIldcamping 👉 https://mikeobrienmedia.com/LanternSpeaker
Beats Pill 👉 https://mikeobrienmedia.com/BeatsPill
Bose Soundlink Home 👉 (link coming soon)
Bears has distortion after 50%
As far as sound quality goes, do you think the Marshall Middleton is worth the $100 upcharge over the Bose Soundlink Flex?
Can you mention how many OHMS and RMS next time or at least make them sound.
Best jacket I’ve seen in a while, mabye you could tell me the name if you don’t mind?
I would further be a loyal subscirber.
What about the JBL Xtreme 4?
Major review-sickness, also repeating video and very light touch on every device, nothing you cannot see on product pages in a webshop.
I wanted to see the chargeports on all the speakers not just the soundcore.
Sony linkbud speaker for me, since I own a lot of sony products. Not sure if you can connect 2 at the same time. If you can is a buy from me.
No way! You’re Nate’s brother. Love to you guys❤️
I am a fan of Sony speakers, should i get the Linkbud speaker or maybe a sonos roam 2?
I wanna buy the sony ult field 7 for parties (or just blasting music in my bedroom) and i want your opinion, is it really worth it? Btw i already have the srs xg300
Bro has never had a Tribit speaker
not mentioned UE in this video is straight up criminal
What about anker soundcore motion+? And where is sound samples for viewing apeakers? Often sounding even recorded for youtube videos can tell more then trying to describe whats it sounds like..
Nice video
Very nice speakers, i jumped the gun and got myself a Sonus speaker but I’m deffo not disappointed, best sounding speaker I’ve ever heard
You look like Matpat and Graham Stephen combined into one person
Where is soundcore select 4 go?
Big miss in the W-King Kind X20. Just as good as the JBL boombox at half the price. Should have been near the top of your list.
Best Headphones is next! I’m debating whether to buy the Sennheiser 4s.
Ok, Now I find your selection suspect the JBL small speakers blow away the Bose IMHO!
Ive had a ny=umber of speakers but the one im with right now is the JBL Clip 5. I love this little guy. It’s relatively inexpensive but it does not sound like it. and if it is as tough as my old Flip 4 then I expect it is basically indestructible. And the clip/carabiner on it is fantastic. I know, it’s just a clip but I love to clip it on my belt loop or shower head or on my backpack and I have never had another speaker that could do that. If youre on the edge, I recommend giving the Clip 5 a try.
I tested the Beats Pill and new Bose Soundlink and liked both but the Beats Pill has over DOUBLE the battery life. That’s a big deal especially when you travel so I bought the Pill and it’s great. I’m surprised not 1 speaker from JBL made this list
Mike, have you done any comparison reviews of the tiki torch-style speakers??
Anker soundcore motion plus, what’s better in that size?😢
Forgot it’s going in a shop, so dust proof would be good also.
Can we connect Flex Gen 1 with Flex Gen 2 ? I have Flex Gen 1.
Summary: Premium- BOSE & Marshall
Middle: JBL
Budget: Soundcore
I was so impressed with the comparison at [7:45]! It really sets your review apart.
What about Tribit?
Bose sound link flex or the beats speaker? Which has the best sound?
Another bad review where this guy talks through the whole video instead of playing the actual speaker
Sound core rave party 2
Not a single jobsite speaker why?